雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro Microsystems,LLC宣布推出具有高级诊断的双线霍尔效应开关IC
雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro Microsystems,LLC宣布推出具有高级诊断的双线霍尔效应开关IC
雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro Microsystems,LLC宣布发布了一个具有高级诊断的一系列新的双线垂直霍尔效应交换机IC系列。Allegro’s A1130, A1131, and A1132 have been developed in accordance with ISO 26262:2011 as hardware safety elements out of context with ASIL-B capability (pending assessment) for use in automotive safety-related systems when integrated and used in the manner prescribed in the applicable safety manual and datasheet. These devices have integrated continuous diagnostic features and a safe output state that supports this functional safety level. These devices feature a two-wire current output interface that facilitates open/short diagnosis along with signal path verification from input to output. These sensor ICs are ideal for safety-critical automotive applications, and can assist a system in meeting the most stringent safety requirements.该系列设备特别适用于对功能安全性要求较高的系统,如主动和被动乘员约束系统;电子动力转向系统;先进的驾驶辅助系统;电子制动;变速器和离合器系统。高水平的集成诊断能力有助于简化安全系统设计,从而降低零部件数量和整体装配成本。
这些单极霍尔效应开关IC对平行于包装表面的磁场敏感。这些南极敏感开关是温度稳定的,包括汽车级粗糙功能,如反向电池保护,过电压保护和负载转储功能。每个器件包括在单个硅芯片上:电压调节器,诊断电路,霍尔电压发生器,小信号放大器,斩波器稳定,施密特触发器和NMOS电流输出。板载调节器允许操作电压降至3 V.