雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro Microsystems和UMC标志长期铸造协议


雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro Microsystems和UMC标志长期铸造协议



雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro MicroSystems(Allegro)是开发高性能电力和传感半导体的领导者,以及联合微电子公司(纽约证券交易所:UMC; TWSE:2303)(“UMC”)是一家领先的全球半导体铸造厂,签署了长期协议for UMC to continue as Allegro’s primary foundry wafer manufacturer.


“我们希望一个有助于我们扩大Allegro的业务和投资组合的伙伴关系。UMC在满足客户的技术,质量和生产需求方面非常成功,“运营和质量高级副总裁Thomas Teebagy说。“UMC拥有能力和技术,以适应Allegro预计的增长和增加晶圆发货要求。”

Allegro先前已将其ABCD4和ABCD6流程移植到UMC,并将在新签署的协议下继续侵入其自己的流程。目前,两家公司正在开发Allegro的A10S和A10P 0.18um BCD技术,以及支持定制,前沿GMR / TMR On-Silicon集成。
Bruce Lai, Vice President of 8" Operations at UMC said, “UMC’s sustained effort towards developing robust specialty and automotive technologies has enabled us to become a foundry leader in automotive IC production, with AEC-Q100 qualified processes backed by manufacturing that complies with rigorous ISO TS-16949 automotive quality standards for all UMC fabs. We value our long-standing partnership with Allegro to produce their automotive ICs, and we are pleased to extend our cooperation through this new agreement to support their future growth requirements and help enhance their market position.”

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雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro MicroSystems(allegro)是开发高性能电力和传感半导体的领导者。Allegro的创新解决方案为汽车市场内的高增长应用提供了高增长的应用,并备受专注于工业和消费/计雷竞技最新网址算解决方案。Allegro总部位于曼彻斯特,新罕布什尔州(美国)的设计,应用和销售支持中心位于全球范围内。雷竞技最新网址有关更多信息,请访问www.wasanxing.com。

UMC(纽约证券交易所:UMC,TWSE:2303)是一家领先的全球半导体铸造,为跨越电子行业的每个主要部门的应用提供先进的IC生产。雷竞技最新网址UMC’s comprehensive foundry solutions enable chip designers to leverage the company’s sophisticated technology and manufacturing, which include world-class 28nm High-K/Metal Gate technology, 14nm FinFET volume production, specialty process platforms specifically developed for AI, 5G and IoT applications and the automotive industry’s highest-rated AEC-Q100 Grade-0 manufacturing capabilities for the production of ICs found in vehicles. UMC’s 11 wafer fabs are strategically located throughout Asia and are able to produce over 600,000 wafers per month. The company employs more than 20,000 people worldwide, with offices in Taiwan, China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and the United States. UMC can be found on the web athttp://www.umc.com。