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By Lisa Clark, Functional Safety Manager, Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
Scott Milne,Allegro MicroSystems,LLC线性和角度传感器IC产品线总监雷竞技竞猜下载


因此,它们给整个世界带来了新的发展挑战汽车供应链。2011年,国际标准化组织(ISO)发布了名为ISO 26262的功能安全标准,概述了安全相关汽车系统开发的行业最佳实践。虽然采用该标准是自愿的,但全球大多数原始设备制造商都要求其供应商遵守该标准。延迟采用本标准的供应商可能会在其未来的商业机会中受到侵蚀。

ISO 26262标准包含了道路车辆安全相关电子系统的开发过程和设计要求。这些要求基于系统本身的危害和风险评估。本标准的范围仅限于发生故障的电气或电子系统。因此,合规系统必须能够识别其故障并减轻其影响,以确保乘客安全。因此,安全体系结构现在严重依赖诊断和冗余来检测故障系统组件并将系统转换到安全状态。一般来说,这一要求通过要求集成到现有解决方案中的更多内容以及运行诊断和传达其状态的能力而达到IC组件供应商。


自从引入ISO 26262标准以来,被认为是“安全”的概念也发生了变化。在早期的体系结构中,失去一个系统,例如动力转向系统,被许多人认为是一个安全但令人讨厌的事件。将系统不可用性归类为“安全”对系统架构有直接影响。该体系结构需要识别任何被认为不安全的故障并加以缓解,但导致动力转向系统失效的故障不需要缓解。这导致只需要识别某些故障,而不需要识别其他故障,从而限制了安全所需的附加功能,包括IC组件中的片上诊断。

自那以后,人们对什么是安全的看法发生了转变,因为汽车行业意识到,突然失去动力转向可能会导致较小的成年人、缺乏经验的驾驶员或老年人发生事故。汽车制造商现在要求,当安全相关系统出现故障时,他们必须在一定程度上继续运行。这种“故障操作”或“容错”需求直接影响到支持它所必需的体系结构。系统必须包括各种级别的冗余,这取决于故障后性能是否会从标称性能降级。“容错”系统代表了下一代安全相关系统,ISO 26262标准的第二版将讨论此主题。

The most direct result of fail operational systems is the use of redundant system functions in an architecture that allows transition to a backup system if a malfunction occurs in the primary system. In response, IC component suppliers are beginning to offer double and triple die within a single package to support the need for redundancy without occupying more physical space. Offering multichip solutions is one example of how some IC suppliers are developing new technologies to meet specific needs of safety-related systems.

While there are custom developments between system providers and component suppliers, many system integrators use commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components which have been developed out of a specific system context. The more understanding that the component suppliers have of these evolving system requirements, the better they are able to support them by defining a flexible product line which has the right features, is easy to integrate, and adds value to the system as a whole. It can be challenging to find the right level of flexibility to add to a product. Too much flexibility means that there may be features that are not used, but have a cost; not enough flexibility means that needed functionality must be incorporated by additional components that also have a cost. In general, functional safety has removed the defined boundary between a component and system; all system components must work together in order to meet the overall system requirements. Knowing how best to allocate needed functionality among system components can be considered something of an art, and suppliers are doing their best to understand and adapt. The trend of increased functionality within a reduced footprint is leading some IC suppliers to integrate two completely different functions into a single component, thereby offering a more comprehensive solution to their customers.

展望未来,ISO 26262标准第二版的范围将扩大到包括卡车、公共汽车和摩托车,这些市场的供应商也将被纳入功能安全领域。随着汽车工业接近实现自动驾驶,安全相关系统的供应商必须开发出至少能像人类一样驾驶的系统。这些系统将依赖于解释周围环境的无数传感元件。这些系统的开发不仅必须集中在故障电子设备上,这些系统的设计还必须具有足够的灵敏度,以便在所有驾驶情况下安全响应。在ISO组织内成立了一个新的委员会,专门讨论这一主题(预期功能的安全性,或SOTIF),并将对系统及其组件所需的准确性产生影响。

雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro MicroSystems作为霍尔效应传感器集成电路的市场领导者,通过参与ISO 26262技术委员会,并密切关注将在第二版中引入的变化,来应对这些不断变化的挑战。Allegro明白,安全性提高了清晰沟通的重要性,并与客户密切合作,以了解和适应他们不断变化的需求。Allegro与战略客户的合作关系促进了有关各种汽车系统未来安全需求的信息共享。正是通过这种合作,开发了正确类型的组件,以满足安全相关系统不断变化的需求。

角度传感器IC是Allegro MicroSystems为安全关键应用而雷竞技竞猜下载设计的几个产品组合之一。除了这些设备中设计的高级诊断功能外,还有一些附加功能使这些部件在市场上脱颖而出。雷竞技最新网址

This offers several advantages:

  1. 磁铁和IC之间距离的变化(由于机械变化)对角度精度的影响最小。第二代集成电路快板A1335还包括片内磁场缩放功能,进一步降低磁场强度变化的影响。

  2. 可使用大磁场(高达1500 G),最大限度地减少附近电机、螺线管或高电流痕迹可能产生的小杂散磁场的影响。

  3. CVH technology enables low latency (as little as 10 μs) and high refresh rates (as fast as 2 μs), that are ideal for highspeed motor position detection.



Allegro offersangle sensor ICs专为end-of-shaft和side-shaft增效etic configurations. The ability to support side-shaft magnetic configurations can greatly simplify the mechanical design of a system, as the end of the shaft is not always readily accessible. Side-shaft applications are challenging for most angle sensors due to the large mismatch in the magnitude of the tangential versus radial magnetic field.

快板A1335includes both on-chip harmonic linearization and segmented linearization to calibrate out the error due to this mismatch, enabling high accuracy (less than 1°) depending on the number of harmonics or segments used in the linearization scheme.


要求汽车安全相关系统will continue to evolve and expand. Suppliers for these systems must be actively aware of new trends and must have a corporate infrastructure which allows them to fluidly adapt their product lines accordingly. Proactively investing in new technologies or product innovation to better serve the automotive safety market will be a strategic activity with wide-ranging effects on market share for suppliers at all levels. Put on your seatbelt,suppliers—it’s going to be a wild ride.
