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从工业自动化和机器雷竞技最新网址人到电子动力转向(EPS)和电机位置感测的许多应用需要监视旋转目标的角度。任何成功的角度测量系统的设计都需要基于用户的要求。雷竞技最新网址申请笔记AN269115andAN269121cover the use of Allegro angle sensor ICs in on-axis and off-axis magnet configurations. This application note covers the use of theAllegro A1337 angle sensor ICfor batterypowered applications (automotive or non-automotive) that require the sensor to operate in multiple mission modes.


Certain automotive angle sensing applications require the ability to track angular position even in key-off conditions. In the key-off state, most voltage regulators in the vehicle are not operational. Therefore, sensors that must operate in the key-off state are often powered directly from the car battery (12 V). Examples of such applications include:

  • Seat-belt passive safety systems
  • EPS motor position




The A1337 is a 360° angle sensor IC that provides contactless high-resolution angular position information based on magnetic Circular Vertical Hall (CVH) technology. It has a system-on-chip (SoC) architecture that includes a CVH front-end, digital signal processing, and SPI, SENT, and PWM outputs. It also includes on-chip EEPROM technology for flexible end-of-line programming of calibration parameters. The A1337 is ideal for automotive applications requiring 0° to 360° angle measurements, such as electronic power steering (EPS), rotary shifters (PRNDLs), seat-belt tensioners, and throttle systems. The A1337 angle sensor device is designed to support a wide variety of applications and has multiple operating modes, organized by output format or by power consumption. By output format, the A1337 supports SPI, SENT, PWM, and Manchester interfaces. For each of these interfaces, the A1337 has the ability to report either the direct angle output (12-bit digital angle output reported over the selected output interface) or a Turns Count (TC) output, which is a quantized tracking count of the number of turns made by the magnetic target in either the clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. By power consumption, the A1337 features a Normal Power Mode, a Low Power Mode, and an ultra-low power Transport Mode.


In Normal Power Mode, the IC draws maximum current (nominally 8.25 mA—see Normal Mode Supply Current specification in the A1337 datasheet for more details) to operate its full feature set, and updates the angle output register at the fastest rate as selected by RPM mode and AVG settings (see the A1337 programming

Low Power Mode

低功耗模式对于电池的应用非常有用cations where the task of tracking the target’s rotation can be delineated into one of two mission modes. The first mission mode would be similar to an angle tracking mode, where the sensor tracks the output at full bandwidth and provides its measure of the angular output at full resolution. The second mission mode can be considered as a turns-tracking mode. In this mode, the sensor does not need to track the angle at full resolution—it is sufficient to track the Turns Count value of the target. The size of one turnscount unit can be preselected via EEPROM setting in the A1337 to be either 180 or 45 degrees. The A1337 tracks ±1280 turns in both directions. In Low Power Mode, the A1337 is mostly held in a lower quiescent current consumption state. The IC does not provide normal angle readings over the SPI, SENT, or PWM interfaces, but wakes up periodically to check for the occurrence of Turns Counts. The off-time of the Low Power Mode operation can be adjusted by the user based on the application, by programming on-chip EEPROM memory. Figure 2 shows Average ICCin μA versus the programmable off-time tOFF

Transport Mode





Back-EMF Frequency and Amplitude α motor RPM. (Motor BEMF frequency and amplitude are both proportional to motor RPM.)

Figure 4: Sample Filtering Circuit


Transitioning Between Modes

The A1337 is designed so that it can transition between Normal Power Mode (NPM), Low Power Mode (LPM), and Transport Mode (TPM) based on either a command from the system microcontroller, by magnetic target rotation, or by exceeding the WAKE pin threshold, VWAKE(HITH)。这种双重方案确保了由于在传感器处于低功率模式下,由于目标旋转太快,因此有价值的TC信息不会丢失。为了更好地理解这一点,考虑一些基于的情景
the state diagram shown in Figure 3, as well as the information shown in Table 1. Assume that the sensor is powered up and in NPM. It would therefore be able to provide all the functionality as described under NPM in Table 1. Now, if the controller decided that to save power it should enter LPM, then it would have to satisfy all the conditions outlined in branch A of Figure 3 in order to enter LPM. In other words, the A1337 SPI lines would have to be held low for >50 μs, the WAKE pin voltage
在A1337 IC上必须低于阈值VWAKE(LOTH),并且磁铁的目标RPM将小于平均速度AWAKE(TH)。If all these conditions were met, then the IC would transition into LPM. While in LPM, the IC would be able to support the TC tracking functionality
as described in Table 1. If the system now needed to wake up from LPM and re-enter NPM, it would need to then satisfy any one of the conditions outlined in branch B of Figure 3—in other words, initiating activity on SPI pins, or rotating the target faster than SAWAKE(TH),或施加高于V的电压WAKE(LOTH)on the WAKE pin. In a similar manner, the system can navigate between NPM, LPM, and TM, by meeting the appropriate conditions as specified by branches A, B, C or D of the state diagram.

雷竞技竞猜下载快板微系统公司,有限责任公司5东北截止115 Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A. 1.508.853.5000; www.wasanxing.com Transitioning Between Modes The A1337 is designed so that it can transition between Normal Power Mode (NPM), Low Power Mode (LPM), and Transport Mode (TPM) based on either a command from the system microcontroller, by magnetic target rotation, or by exceeding the WAKE pin threshold, VWAKE(HITH). This dual scheme ensures that valuable TC information is not lost due to the target rotating too quickly while the sensor is in Low Power Mode. To better understand this, consider a few scenarios based on the state diagram shown in Figure 3, as well as the information shown in Table 1. Assume that the sensor is powered up and in NPM. It would therefore be able to provide all the functionality as described under NPM in Table 1. Now, if the controller decided that to save power it should enter LPM, then it would have to satisfy all the conditions outlined in branch A of Figure 3 in order to enter LPM. In other words, the A1337 SPI lines would have to be held low for >50 μs, the WAKE pin voltage on the A1337 IC would have to be lower than the threshold VWAKE(LOTH), and the target RPM of the magnet would have to be lower than an average speed SAWAKE(TH). If all these conditions were met, then the IC would transition into LPM. While in LPM, the IC would be able to support the TC tracking functionality as described in Table 1. If the system now needed to wake up from LPM and re-enter NPM, it would need to then satisfy any one of the conditions outlined in branch B of Figure 3—in other words, initiating activity on SPI pins, or rotating the target faster than SAWAKE(TH), or applying a voltage higher than VWAKE(LOTH) on the WAKE pin. In a similar manner, the system can navigate between NPM, LPM, and TM, by meeting the appropriate conditions as specified by branches A, B, C or D of the state diagram. Normal Power Mode (NPM) Low Power Mode (LPM) Transport Mode (TPM) Angle Sensor Functionality Available Communication Protocols: • SPI 4-wire • PWM • SENT • Manchester Code Available Communication Protocols: • Not Applicable Available Communication Protocols: • Not Applicable Available Angle Output Data: • 12-bit absolute angle value • Turns-Count (TC) Available Angle Output Data: • Turns-Count (TC)* *TC values are tracked in LPM, but available for read-only upon exiting LPM. Available Angle Output Data: • Not Applicable Current Consumption 8.5 mA nominal per die 85 μA nominal per die 100× power savings 30 μA nominal per die 280× power savings Table 1: Mode States Normal Power Mode Transport Mode Low Power Mode A C B D SPI Input Voltage (CSn or SCLK or MOSI) > VIH SPI Input Voltage (CSn or SCLK or MOSI) > VIH OR Target RPM > SAWAKE(TH) OR WAKE Pin Voltage > VWAKE(HITH) SPI Input Voltage (CSn or SCLK or MOSI) < VIL (for > 50 μs) AND WAKE Pin Voltage < VWAKE(LOTH) AND Target RPM < SAWAKE(TH) SPI Input Voltage (CSn & SCLK & MOSI) > VIL (for > 50 μs) AND WAKE Pin Voltage < VWAKE(LOTH) AND Target RPM < SAWAKE(TH) AND transport_ena = 1 Figure 6: Operating Mode State Diagram

Table 1: Mode States

User-Programmable Features for Low Power Mode and Turns Counting

The A1337 allows programmability of its LPM function. For instance, the IC provides the ability to select the size of its Turns- Count. Two choices are available: 180° or 45°. This feature is selectable via the TC1 bit in EEPROM address 0x15, Bit 18. In a similar manner, other functions of the LPM operation can also be programmed in EEPROM. Table 2 summarizes these features, with default values.

表2:用户Programmable Features


In addition to offering all of the standard benefits of non-contact magnetic angle sensing, theA1337还提供了在严格,电池供电(包括汽车)系统中运行的能力,这些系统需要低功耗。最后,在正常和低功耗模式下跟踪转弯计数的能力,A1337非常适合简化复杂的机械设计,用于在关键状态下跟踪磁目标位置,而不会影响系统的整体稳健性和可靠性。