By Christophe Lutz and Andrea Foletto,
雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro MicroSystems欧洲有限公司
Joysticks are widely used human–machine interfaces (HMI)that simultaneously report information on direction and amplitude. Stick tracking is realized by use of a magnet and a magnetic
本文档介绍了如何实现2D或3D磁传感器以获得具有明确行为的操纵杆。本说明提供了两个跟踪方法的见解:直接跟踪andR.atio tracking。直接tracking offers a straightforward implementation, while ratio tracking offers excellent robustness to stick mechanical play. Finally, this application note assesses the relative robustness of these techniques to parameter variations (mounting and in-life).
Mechanically, a joystick consists of a stick that pivots through a ball joint on its base. Figure 1 provides a cross-sectional view of a joystick.
为了追踪杆的位置,磁铁集成在球的底部,以使球和磁体随着杆被致动时移动。磁性位置传感器应放置在磁铁下方合适的距离,表示为air gap。
Stick Tracking
增加杆的倾斜度增加了感测信号,因为面内磁场分量增加。专注于操纵杆对倾斜的响应,θ., it is convenient to exclude directional information.
The stick position point in the position plot (represented by a black dot) is expected to move according to the tilt angle and in the same direction as the stick. Responsivity,Resp,应被视为从杆位置点到中心的距离,如图3所示,表示为:
R.可以表示x(当φ= 0°)或y(当方向是任意时的任何组合。位置图中的棒位置点的响应值定义为:
作为将在下一节中,响应nsivity is closely related to the distance from the magnet to the sensor since it can exacerbate or dampen magnet border effect, short-scale
对于操纵杆应用,空气隙无倾雷竞技最新网址斜,θ.= 0°。
Air gap as defined in Figure 2 is a key parameter in the application that will both affect the selection of sensor and the final responsivity of the stick. This parameter must comply with the following mechanical and magnetic constraints.
磁性约束来自信号电平要求。传感器通常能够感测给定范围的磁场而不经历饱和度。对于正确的行为,重要的是确保传感器在实施过程中不饱和。在实践中,这种非饱和条件为气隙提供了额外的约束,AGMIN(MAG),取决于传感器的灵敏度,磁体的形状和常离磁场,以及最大倾斜角,θ最大。When considering a joystick consisting of a ball joint of 10 mm diameter, a cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and which can be tilted ofθ.最大= 25°, simulations lead to the minimum air gap values shown in Table 1.
传感范围(g) |
No Saturation on x/y | 没有饱和z | |
±500 | 1.5毫米 | 2.1 mm |
±1000 | 0.9毫米 | 1.1毫米 |
±2000. | 0.5 mm | 机械有限 |
Generally, for joysticks that use only small tilt angles (θ.最大«25°),非饱和约束在Z轴相对于X / Y轴上更加限制。为此目的,Allegro已经开发出传感器,例如ALS31300,Z轴上具有不同的传感范围。
直接stick tracking plots stick position by using the data sensed in x and y directly. The simplicity and general accuracy of this technique is sufficient for most applications. Its major drawback is its vulnerability to dynamic air gap variations that may occur during the lifetime of the product. This variation is typically from vertical play of the stick. For instance, pressing on the stick may cause the stick position point in the position plot to jump to another value. A dynamic air gap reduction will always lead to an increase of the magnetic field sensed.
为了对抗这种不需要的效果,可以实现比率杆跟踪技术。当气隙变化时,X和Y上感应的值将更多或更少具有与在Z轴上的值感测的相同的变化。因此,使用x / z和y / z而不是单独的x和y将显着降低气隙依赖性。虽然比率棒跟踪更加稳健,但它确实影响了响应曲线。
该转换只需重新缩放位置图(见图5)。直接杆跟踪包含的所有结果都可以通过X / Z(分别的Y / Z)代替X(分别Y)来直接地转换为比率杆跟踪。作为示例,距离杆位置点到位置绘图中心的距离变为:
Because of this, all joystick corrective behavior post-processing can be applied to both tracking methods. The difference in responsivity and relative robustness to variations differentiates the two tracking methods.
Responsivity of the joystick describes the correlation between the mechanical movements of the stick and its stick position point on the position plot as output by the sensor. The air gap affects this relationship.
为了解释气隙的效果,用于操纵杆的仿真,由直径为10 mm的球接头,圆柱形磁体为1 T,直径为5.4mm,长度为1mm,可以倾斜θ最大= 25°, gives results as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7 for direct and ratio stick tracking, respectively.
- 大气隙导致倾斜角度范围几乎线性响应。
- 低气隙导致操纵杆,其用小θ角度线性响应,而特征变为大角度的非线性。此功能在需要精度和范围(高角度高响应度)的应用中很有趣。
- 由于曲线的叠加所示,气隙的效果被巨大地降低。
- 无论气隙如何,操纵杆响应都是线性的,对于小θ角度,而特征变为大角度的非线性。此功能在需要精度和范围(高角度高响应度)的应用中很有趣。
The response curve nonlinearity is due mainly to the nonlinearity of the magnetic field with position and not to the sensing of the sensor. Nonlinearities can be neglected for small values of θ最大。
- 安装精度
- Mechanical play
Due to physical limitations, the sensing elements of multi-axis position sensors cannot sense the magnetic field components at the exact same location. This tiny built-in asymmetry leads to different responses in different directions. Likewise, error plots may reflect this asymmetry.
The following parameters drifts have been considered:
- 传感器相对于杆轴移位。
- 磁铁相对于杆轴移位。
- 相对于其参考值,气隙小或更大。
The error is quantified as the distance between the ideal and drifted position of the stick position point. To compare direct and ratio stick tracking techniques, their errors have been respectively expressed as a percentage of their full-scale (FS) values, namely r最大and rRATIO(MAX)。
图8:气隙变化with respect to its Nominal Position
Simulation Assumptions: Ball joint of 10 mm diameter, air gap of 1.2 mm, cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and θMAX = 25°.
Simulation Assumptions: Ball joint of 10 mm diameter, air gap of 1.2 mm, cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and θMAX = 25°.
Simulation Assumptions: Ball joint of 10 mm diameter, air gap of 1.2 mm, cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and θMAX = 25°.
Simulation Assumptions: Ball joint of 10 mm diameter, air gap of 1.2 mm, cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and θMAX = 25°.
Simulation Assumptions: Ball joint of 10 mm diameter, air gap of 1.2 mm, cylindrical magnet of 1 T, diameter 5.4 mm, length 1 mm, and θMAX = 25°.
- 由于传感器位移,大的倾斜角将始终加剧错误。
- 比率跟踪对气隙变化更加坚固。
- 直接tracking is more robust to in-plane displacements than ratio tracking.
Error per unit displacement:
Table 2: Maximum errors due to parameters drifts, no post-processing
Error %FS/0.1 mm |
直接 跟踪 |
比 跟踪 |
定性效果 |
气隙 0.1 mm in z |
10.8 |
1.6 |
改变响应性 |
Sensor 0.1 mm in x 0.1 mm in y |
7.0 |
16.5 |
Adds offset in position plot |
磁铁 0.1 mm in x 0.1 mm in y |
5.5 |
15.5 |
改变响应性; |
The previous table leads to the following total error for an optimally compensated joystick with stick vertical play much greater than horizontal plays:
Table 3: Maximum errors due to parameters drifts, with post-processing
错误,%fs | 直接跟踪 | 比率跟踪 |
气隙 0.1 mm in z |
10.8× vertical play |
1.6×垂直播放 |
Sensor 0.1 mm in x 0.1 mm in y |
〜0 |
〜0 |
磁铁 0.1 mm in x 0.1 mm in y |
〜0 |
〜0 |
Generally, the direct stick tracking method will exhibit sufficient immunity to misplacements during mounting, though control of air gap is required.
操纵杆部分不太可能从每个不移动her horizontally, e.g. the sensor location with respect to the stick axis will not vary during product’s life. What can change is the air gap value when
the user applies pressure on the stick either intentionally (“crouch”) or not. Ratio stick tracking is therefore desirable to dampen the air gap variation error and have a highly accurate joystick.
The joystick is a device having a stick tracked by a magnetic sensor through a magnet attached to a ball joint.
跟踪 | 直接 | 比 |
Position Plot | X,Y. | x/z, y/z |
ag min。 | 没有 saturation on x and y |
没有 饱和在x,y和z上 |
AG Max. | 受到SNR的限制 | 受到SNR的限制 |
Linearity with Tilt | 高效改善 | 需要帖子 - Processing |
精度和范围 | 在低AG改善 | 全部AG |
机械约束 |
AG Control |
传感器和磁铁 放置 |
机械约束 With Post-Processing |
限制水平 垂直戏剧 |
Limit horizontal plays |
AG dependence | Yes | No |
Generally, for an application that does not require extreme precision, a direct stick tracking method will be sufficient. To make a precision joystick, it might be necessary to use a ratio stick
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