Hot-Swap Testing Results for the A5977 and A5979 Microstepping DMOS Drivers
Hot-Swap Testing Results for the A5977 and A5979 Microstepping DMOS Drivers
Hot-swapping, disconnecting, or connecting power supply inputs and/or power outputs of an IC while in operation is
电源连接到电机驱动电脑board (6 pins) via a switching relay arrangement.
This report outlines hot-swap test results forA5977.和A5979.stepper motor drivers. To duplicate the hot-swap conditions, we have selected an IC motor supply voltage (VBB) of 24 V and motor current of 1.5 A per winding for our tests. Testing was performed with different microstepping resolutions and with the following hot-swap methods:
- 两套电机和电源之间的热插拔
- Hot-swapping a single motor from on-line to off-line
- 两套电机与电机驱动器的热插拔总是供电
- 热插拔单个电机,带电机驱动器始终供电
- Faulty conditions during single phasing of stepper motor
- Switching the power supply on-off with stepper motor terminals always connected
To evaluate the hot-swapping performance of the A5977 and A5979 microstepping DMOS driver ICs.
Experimental Setup
Figure 1 shows the test connections for hot-swapping the stepper motor driver (A5977/A5979). The experimental test prototype of the same has been developed in lab as shown in Figure 2. In this setup, a 6-pole, double-throw switch is used for hot-swapping between the motors and the power supply. Two power supplies of 100 W each and two stepper motors are connected on six poles of the switch as depicted in Figure 1. The evaluation board used is a standard A5977/79 socket board.
Figure 3 shows the front and rear view images of the 6-pole, double-throw switch used for development of the hot-swap testing setup.
Figure 4 shows the typical setup for the measurement of various parameters during hot-swap testing. VDD and IDD represents the logic supply voltage and current, respectively.
Hot-Swap Test Results for the A5977/A5979 Microstepping Motor Driver ICs
The following section presents the evaluation of the A5977/A5979 stepper motor driver power ICs during various hot-swapping conditions. The various conditions of hot-swap testing are summarized as follows:
- 两套电机和电源之间的热插拔.
- Hot-swapping a single motor from on-line to off-line.
- 两套电机与电机驱动器的热插拔总是供电.
- 热插拔单个电机,带电机驱动器始终供电.
- Faulty conditions during single phasing of stepper motor.
- Switching the power supply on-off with stepper motor terminals always connected.
The stepper motor driver has been tested multiple times for the above mentioned conditions. Following are the results observed at these conditions.
This case is the most basic case of hot-swapping in which the stepper motor driver is hot-swapped between the two sets of a motor and power supply combination. A 6-pole, double-throw switch is used for hot-swapping the motor driver between the two stepper motors and power supply sets. Figure 5 (a) through (d) shows the results observed during the full-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-step (A5977) modes, respectively. This test has been carried out on 20 ICs with a minimum of 100 hot-swaps. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
In this case, a single stepper motor and power supply set is connected to the motor driver; therefore, all the six lines, including VBB, GND, OUT1A, OUT1B, OUT2A, and OUT2B are connected and disconnected during hot-swapping. Figure 6 (a) through (d) shows the results observed during the full-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-step (A5977) modes, respectively. This test has been carried out on 20 ICs with a minimum of 100 hot-swaps. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
In this case, two stepper motors are hot-swapped while the power supply is always connected to the motor driver. Therefore, only four lines, including OUT1A, OUT1B, OUT2A, and OUT2B, are connected and disconnected during hot-swapping. Figure 7 (a) through (d) shows the results observed during the full-, half-,
quarter-, and eighth-step (A5977) modes, respectively. This test has been carried out on 20 ICs with a minimum of 100 hot-swaps. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
In this case, a single stepper motor is hot-swapped while the power supply is always connected to the motor driver. Therefore, only four lines, including OUT1A, OUT1B, OUT2A, and OUT2B, are connected and disconnected during hot-swapping. Figure 8 (a) through (d) show the results observed during the full, half, quarter, and eighth step (A5977) modes, respectively. This test has been carried out on 20 ICs with a minimum of 100 hotswaps. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
在这种情况下,步进电机的一个相连接并断开电源,电源总是连接到电动机驱动器。因此,在这种情况下,在热交换期间连接和断开来自四条线中的任何一个的单线,即OUT1A,OUT1B,OUT2A和OUT2B。Figure 10 (a) through (d) shows the results observed during the full-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-step (A5977) modes, respectively. This test has been carried out on 20 ICs with a minimum of 100 hot-swaps. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
和stepper motor phase currents (IPHASE1 and IPHASE2) (blue and green).
本报告中已进行A5977和A5979步进电机驱动程序的严格热插拔测试。所有6个提到的热插拔条件(6条件×20 IC×100次)每个6个都测试了至少20个IC,每个IC都是100次测试的100次=每次=总数12000个事件)。
This hot-swap testing has also been performed on a single device for four different stepping modes, i.e. full-step, half-step, quarter-step, and eighth-step (A5977) modes. The driver operated normally with no change in performance after each hot-swap.
We can conclude that the A5977 and A5979 have robust hot-swap performance under the conditions presented in this report.