Method for Converting a PWM Output to an Analog Output When Using Hall Effect Sensor ICs
Method for Converting a PWM Output to an Analog Output When Using Hall Effect Sensor ICs
在深入设计滤波器之前,第一步是快速查看PWM传感器的输出信号。PWM波形基本上是方波,频率我们将定义为f脉宽调制 ,并且对于逻辑低,振幅为0 V,并且科科斯群岛对于逻辑高。从这里开始,我们将振幅称为V脉宽调制 . 信号高时间比,t在 ,至期间(T脉宽调制=1 / f脉宽调制)是占空比,D。这些关系如图1所示。
F级igure 1. Basic PWM Definitions
Passive Filters
现在,我们来看看有趣的过程的一部分, where we create an analog DC voltage from the PWM output signal. The simplest method for this is with a passive low pass filter. For the purposes of this guide, and for simplicity, the focus will be on passive, first and second order, low pass filters. Passive filters can be realized very simply with resistors and capacitors. The concepts presented here can be applied to more advanced filters.
在本文中,我们将重点分析和设计使用无源低通滤波器的电路,一阶滤波器的衰减衰减因子为-20 dB / 十进制,二阶滤波器的衰减因子为-40 dB / 十进制。在某些情况下,一阶滤波器可以正常工作。但是,某些应用程序可能需要更快的响应时间。在这些情况下,可能需要二阶滤波器。由最终用户来评估过滤器的成本和性能之间的权衡。通过简单地级联越来越多的级,可以提高滤波器的阶数。对于滤波器的每一个额外阶数,滚降率将变得更陡,增加-20 dB / 十年。雷竞技最新网址
There are a couple of ways to compute the filter response to an input signal: time analysis and frequency analysis. I prefer back-of-an-envelope frequency analysis, and will be focusing on using frequency analysis techniques to design first and second order low pass filters. In general, most folks without an electronics background understand frequency methods better than time domain methods when designing simple filters.
While there are many detailed ways to compute filter requirements and filter output ripple voltage, I prefer to keep things simple in such a way that I can draw up and design a simple filter on the back of a small envelope and make calculations with a cheap scientific calculator (or smart phone app). The first term you have to define is how much ripple voltage, V涟漪 ,可用于模拟输出。第二个必要项是PWM频率f脉宽调制 , of the sensor. Once the acceptable V涟漪和f脉宽调制are defined, the required attenuation can be computed. Because we are working in the frequency domain and using known filters, it is most useful to compute this attenuation factor in dB:
其中分贝是衰减,必须是负数!还记得那个V吗脉宽调制is simply the output voltage swing of the PWM sensor.
已知衰减因子后,我们可以应用我们的知识,即一阶低通滤波器的斜率为–20 dB / 十进制,二阶低通滤波器的斜率为–40 dB / 十进制,以确定所需的3 dB频率(f3分贝)对于过滤器:
这个方程告诉我们的是衰减,A分贝 ,等于低通滤波器的斜率(dB/decade),乘以3-dB频率(f3分贝)以及PWM频率(f脉宽调制). 因为我们已经知道分贝 ,我们将为我们想要知道的,f,解下面的方程3分贝 :
Now we have everything we need to design a passive low pass filter. While this may seem a little complicated, trust me, it is easier than solving second order time domain equations.
Another interesting exercise is to set equation 1 equal to equation 2 and solve for V涟漪 . 这将给我们一个方程,表示电压纹波作为f的函数3分贝 :
图4-V涟漪对f3分贝对于一阶和二阶滤波器斜率,给定f脉宽调制= 8 kHz and V脉宽调制= 5 V. This chart can be used as a guide for designing a filter. Simply select the required amount of ripple on the vertical axis, and then find where the two lines intersect this horizontal line. These intersections are where the filters will achieve the target requirements.
It should be noted that these calculations will have some error in them when compared to actual measured ripple voltage. One source of error is due to the fact that the corner frequency of the filter is not a perfect corner. It is in fact rounded. This means that the attenuation of the filter near the corner does not follow our 20 dB/decade approximation perfectly. The story is the same for higher order filters as well.
另一个来源的结果,从计算我们的纹波幅度集中在基频的脉宽调制。实际上,由于PWM是方波,因此它的频率含量会更高。更具体地说,我们省略了基波(3×f)的奇次谐波脉宽调制,5×f脉宽调制 ,7×f脉宽调制 , …). 幸运的是,我们的滤波器对这些高频的衰减甚至比基频的衰减还要大。在大多数情况下,在滤波器设计的第一次迭代中可以忽略它们。至于我们的后信封计算,我们得到非常接近实际值没有不必要的复杂计算。由于-20 dB / 十进制的较浅衰减,通常一阶滤波器极必须向下调整一点以实现目标纹波。下面的模拟将说明这一点。
假设我们有一个带有f的传感器脉宽调制8 kHz,a V脉宽调制我们的10位A/D转换器的目标是纹波的LSB / 2。在这种情况下,LSB / 2对应于约2.4 mV的电压纹波。所以,我们要做的第一件事就是计算我们需要的衰减因子。使用公式1:
Constructing a basic passive low pass filter is quite simple. A first order filter uses one capacitor and one resistor, and a second order filter uses two resistors and two capacitors. The extra resistor, R我 ,在示意图(图5和图6)中表示测量系统的典型输入电阻。
图5。用于3.77 Hz的一阶低通滤波器
对于一阶滤波器(f3分贝=3.84 Hz),我们可以选择电容器CF级 ,值为10μF,使用公式6计算滤波电阻RF级 ,价值:
右F级应四舍五入至最接近的1%电阻值4.22 kΩ,以及相应的f3分贝value would be 3.77 Hz.
下面的几个图说明了本文设计的两个滤波器的仿真结果。PWM输出配置为脉宽调制=8 kHz,D=50%,V脉宽调制=5V,如图7所示。此图表示未滤波的输入信号。请记住,我们将对该波形应用一个慢得多的滤波器,因此下面的许多图处于不同的时间尺度。
F级igure 8 illustrates the output transfer function of the waveforms in figure 4 for both the first order (green trace) and the second order (blue trace) filters. It is obvious to see that the lower frequency f3分贝一阶滤波器的响应速度慢得多。很明显,滤波器的串联电阻确实会影响输出信号的电压,因为确实有一个电阻分压器可以降低系统输入端的电压(滤波器为4.22 kΩ,系统近似输入电阻为50 kΩ)。总的来说,曲线的响应与我们的计算结果相符。
F级igure 9. Detail of output ripple for first order filter simulation, ripple = 3.58 mV
Next we need to have a closer look at the ripple voltage of the settled output waveform. Figure 9 shows the detailed view of the ripple of the first order filter output. It shows that the final ripple value is 3.58 mV for our f3分贝3.77赫兹。这比我们的目标要高一点,但正如前面所说的,根据我们的假设,我们可能会偏离一点。但是,我们的过滤器肯定是在该地区的表现,可以稍微调整。增加RF级or CF级轻微地减少波纹。增加RF级or CF级也会降低f3分贝. 仿真实验表明,移动f3分贝down to about 2.57 Hz by changing RF级至6.19 kΩ将使纹波达到规格。
图10。二阶滤波器模拟的输出纹波细节,纹波=2.86 mV
我ab Data
F级igure 12. Second-order filter output lab results, V涟漪=2.8毫伏
本文简要总结了一种将PWM传感器的输出转换为模拟电压的简单方法。所示的方法使用一种相当简单的方法来设计过滤器,并记录使用simple方法的注意事项。用一阶滤波器和二阶滤波器说明了如何实现无源低通滤波器的主要目的。读取器可以扩展滤波器的阶数以增加信号的响应时间,同时保持可接受的纹波。注:三阶滤波器在–60 dB / 十进制时衰减,但需要另外两个无源滤波器。
The worked examples show that unless a very slow response time is acceptable, most typical applications will want to pursue a second order (or higher) low pass filter in order to keep the filter response fast enough, and to maintain the use of small components. Increasing the order of the filter increased the number of passive components required to realize the filter. In this case, we went from two total passives to realize a first order filter, to four total passives to realize the second order filter.
虽然每个系统都是不同的,但是本文中的方法可以用于许多不同的系统。一些PWM信号具有不同的f值脉宽调制. By using the equations documented above, a filter can be designed around a different system. Slower f脉宽调制将需要较低的f3分贝,而更快的f脉宽调制可以通过更高的f3分贝 . 最后,通过一点创造性的滤波器设计,可以将现成的PWM输出传感器设计成需要模拟电压的系统。
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