Chemical Exposure of Devices

Chemical Exposure of Devices

Quality Assurance Reliability
雷竞技竞猜下载Allegro MicroSystems,LLC

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so forth, may occur. These different types of chemical exposures of the Allegro device may result in corrosion and failure of the device under some circumstances. This application note discusses the types of situations and applications that can give rise to failure of the device from corrosion. Please refer to the设计中心部分, for additional information that may be relevant on soldering and encapsulating, including the application notesAllegro产品(SMD和通孔)的焊接方法,AN26009;使用霍尔效应装置设计子组件的指南,AN27703.1;使用后偏见霍尔效应装置的带状指南,AN296080.

Non-Hermetic Epoxy Packages




Reducing the Potential of Corrosion

The Allegro device may be protected from exposure to corrosive chemicals by eliminating the use of such chemicals and substituting non-corrosive chemicals in the application or assembly of our device. For example, if the device is to be soldered onto a circuit board or other soldering operation, the solder flux employed should be a non-halide-containing flux. Any chemicals used to remove flux residues should also be halide- and phosphate-free (this includes many organic solvents and organic compounds).



加速因子和其他管道ions involved in producing corrosion failures are time, temperature, humidity, concentration of corrosive chemicals, quantity of corrosive chemical penetration into the electronic package, type of chemicals, and moisture. Human contamination from handling directly the devices during assembly by the customer can also lead to corrosion and the use of gloves and face masks are necessary to avoid this source of corrosion during subassembly or board mounting. Allegro takes great steps to ensure that every stage of its manufacture and assembly prevents contamination by the use of gloves, face masks, and full head-to-toe clean room gowns.


Chemical Exposure Figure 1
Figure 1. The arrows point to the corroded and missing aluminum metal on the device. Note that the gold wire bond to the pad (circular area) was corroded open and caused an electrical disconnect in this location causing the device to fail.

Corrosive Contaminants

即使在超模糊的应用中,水会随着时间的推移而发生各种污染物的浸出。雷竞技最新网址在装配过程中,高处理温度可以加速浸出,但更重要的是长期效应。这可能导致在最终产品被送到该领域后形成腐蚀性化合物。腐蚀的主要贡献者是卤化物和磷酸盐化合物。在组装过程中,应严格避免含有卤化物(氯化物)和磷酸盐的材料。这不仅适用于助焊剂,也适用于焊料和焊膏,以及包覆成型化合物。特别关注的是尼龙(PA)包覆成型化合物,其可以高易受吸湿性的影响。对这种腐蚀的最佳防御是消除制造过程中使用的所有材料的卤化物。例如,较高级尼龙通常具有最小的卤化物含量。这些努力应通过定期审查所有流程阶段来确保没有引入污染源。 Sources can include not only materials consumed in manufacturing, but also substances that can be conveyed on the persons of production workers. Face masks, gloves, and suitable gowning should be in use at all times. The customer’s assembly operations should also take precautions to prevent the contact of the devices with bare fingers and similar contamination. Note that finger prints contain salt (sodium chloride) which can be particularly corrosive.

Protecting Terminations from Corrosion

The terminations (leads) of the device are copper based with tin plating and are also subject to corrosion. Copper can be corroded by acids, salt, phosphates, and other corrosive chemicals. Similar chemicals can also corrode tin. If there is enough chemical exposure, the copper leads and plating can be attacked and dissolved, creating an open circuit, or the residues of a milder corrosion can provide a leakage path between leads that is conductive or produce a short from dendritic growth and this can cause an electrical failure of the device. Corrosive solder flux can be a problem if it contains chlorides or if active fluxes are not thoroughly washed off after soldering. The commercial designations for solder flux types are “aqueous clean flux” or “no clean flux.” Both of these types of fluxes should be cleaned off the board to prevent any residues from either directly causing corrosion or preventing a good seal of a conformal coat or overmold material. The environment of the application could expose the leads to salt, automotive fluids such as automatic transmission fluid (ATF), engine oil, exhaust, or other chemicals, all of which over time could attack and destroy the integrity of the terminations. Therefore, attention should be paid to conformal coating, potting, or encapsulating with overmold compound the terminations as well as the entire package body.

Automotive Applications

使用Hall Cell设备汽车应用雷竞技最新网址如果暴露于道路盐,ATF,手动变速器流体,发动机油,其他汽车液和润滑油,以及废气是最潜在的腐蚀性环境之一。该领域的经验(数亿种设备)导致多年来几年腐蚀失效,PPB的整体腐蚀水平(亿分)。应优质地进行设计,工程师和制造汽车组件,以最大限度地减少腐蚀元素进入设备并摧毁它的机会。Allegro建议采用保密涂层,包覆成型,灌封等保护覆盖物用于帮助在这些腐蚀性环境中提供保护层。诸如硅氧烷,氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯和环氧树脂的诸如硅氧烷,氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯的共形涂层中,顾客必须选择涂层和涂抹它,以施加最佳可靠性。注意,与尼龙的包覆成型不提供最佳保护,因为尼龙浸泡了水分和污染物。这就是为什么灌封化合物可以是更好的选择,或者如果必须使用尼龙(尼龙612是最佳尼龙),它们应在Allegro封装上与包装包装之前的良好保形涂层一起使用。或者可以使用PPS,这不具有尼龙具有的水分问题。

文献中有文件和文章清楚地说明ATF和其他汽车液可以腐蚀电子设备。这样的物品是:“改善传感器可靠性”,J.TITU,测试和测量世界,3/1/2005。另一个是:“对汽车油的铜和铝合金互联的腐蚀研究,”Toshiaki Ishii,Nobutake Tsuyuno,Toshiya Sato和Mitsuhiro Masuda,IEEE交易组件和包装技术,Vol。2006年3月29日。


引用的论文表明,活性硅电路非常易受腐蚀。Allegro用于封装器件的环氧模塑化合物提供比裸硅电路更大程度的保护,但它不是绝对的。通过使用额外的超模(例如尼龙或优选PPS),灌封(环氧树脂)或适当施加的保形涂层(密封100%的表面积),可以提供进一步的保护。这种保护可以使该行业正在寻求的0 PPM级别目标的可靠性,但不能保证0 PPM。此外,额外的保护可以帮助实现10-15岁的汽车行业目标。然而,实现客户组装的给定可靠性目标是客户的责任,因此Allegro对其在客户组件中腐蚀其设备对应用程序的腐蚀,对应用程序的腐蚀作用不承担任何责任。

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Allegro’s products are not to be used in life support devices or systems, if a failure of an Allegro product can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system.
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